Privacy Policy

INTRODUCTION and information about the website 

These legal conditions (the "Legal Conditions") establish the warnings, terms and conditions applicable to the use of the technical means that NUNA EVENTS BCN S.L ("Nuna Barcelona") makes available to users on the website (the "Website").


NUNA EVENTS BCN S.L is a limited liability company of Spanish nationality, with C.I.F. ESB61822763.


The contact details of Nuna Barcelona are as follows:


Address: Monday by Urbania 2 S.L - Riera de Sant Miquel 1 Bis 08006, Barcelona

Telephone: +34 664416841

E-mail address:


Access to or use of the Website automatically implies full and unreserved acceptance by the user of these Legal Conditions in the version published by Nuna Barcelona at all times. Therefore, before using the services offered on the Website, you should carefully read the Legal Conditions.


Modifications to these Legal Conditions shall not have retroactive effect.






The Nuna Barcelona website 


Services offered 

The Website is a free platform where users can reserve a table in any of the restaurants or premises of Nuna Barcelona, as well as receive information about events and activities organised by Nuna Barcelona.


Some services (e.g. table or venue reservations, for example) are governed by their own particular conditions, which are duly indicated in a visible manner in the corresponding section of the Website. Please make sure you read and understand them before requesting any of the services.


Likewise, Nuna Barcelona reserves the right to modify at any time the organisation and design of the Website, the services offered and the Contents.


Access and use by users 

The user, when accessing and using the Website, undertakes to: provide, in the event that it is necessary to fill in a form, true and updated information. The user is solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements and for any damages that may be caused as a consequence to Nuna Barcelona or third parties; not to provide Nuna Barcelona or enter the personal data of third parties in any form, unless he/she has the explicit consent of the third parties to do so; to use the Website without contravening the Legal Conditions, current legislation, good faith, generally accepted uses and public order; and not to use the Website for illicit purposes or purposes that may cause damage to Nuna Barcelona or a third party, or in a way that may cause damage or impede the normal operation of the Website.


Likewise, with respect to the information, graphics, images, designs and any other materials found on the Website (the "Contents"), the following is prohibited:

the reproduction, copying, distribution, dissemination, public communication, transformation or modification, unless authorised in writing by Nuna Barcelona or its legitimate owner;


infringement of the rights of Nuna Barcelona and third parties; use for commercial or advertising purposes; and any attempt to obtain the Contents in a manner other than that permitted by the Website and, where appropriate, without causing damage to Nuna Barcelona or the Website.


Possibility of refusal of services 

Nuna Barcelona may deny the services, including the reservation of tables, under the legally permitted terms and in accordance with objective and non-discriminatory reasons (including, but not limited to, in cases where there is evidence of fraud or false data, temporary unavailability of the server, etc.).


Likewise, access to and use of the Website by minors under 18 years of age is prohibited in view of the Services and Content hosted therein.


Responsibility of the user 

Access to and use of the Website by the user shall be the sole and entire responsibility of the user, and Nuna Barcelona is expressly exonerated from any damages that may be caused to the user or to third parties due to use contrary to the Contractual Relationship and the applicable law. Failure to comply with the Contractual Relationship and applicable law may result in Nuna Barcelona denying the user access to and use of the services and Contents without prior notice.



Nuna Barcelona provides access to the Website, the services and the Contents with a reasonable level of competence and diligence. Nuna Barcelona does not assume any contractual obligation other than those arising from the Legal Conditions. Nuna Barcelona offers no guarantees and accepts no liability, under any circumstances, for any damages that may arise from: the lack of availability, maintenance and correct, continuous and uninterrupted operation of the Website, its services and/or Content. To this end, the user acknowledges that the Internet is a medium subject to service malfunctions and interruptions; the lack of compatibility of the Website with the user's devices, including computers, browsers, mobile devices, tablets, etc.; the lack of usefulness, suitability or validity to meet the needs, activities, specific results or expectations of users; the truthfulness, accuracy and validity of user data; the existence of malicious or harmful programmes in the Contents; the lack of availability of the Website, its services and/or Content and/or services of the Website that may alter the software and hardware of the user; the infringement of intellectual and industrial property rights, image and data protection rights or any other right of a third party as a consequence of the use of the Contents by the user; and the discrepancies that, on a transitory basis, may arise between the electronic Contractual Relationship and the paper version that the user may print.


Intellectual and industrial property 

The intellectual and industrial property rights or any other type of rights existing or that may exist over the Website and the Contents that appear on the Website are the exclusive property of Nuna Barcelona. Access to and use of the Website and acceptance of the Legal Conditions do not grant or attribute any right to users over the intellectual and industrial property rights of Nuna Barcelona. In particular, any form of distribution, reproduction, public communication, transformation or any other act on the intellectual and industrial property rights of Nuna Barcelona is prohibited, unless the user has the prior and express authorisation of Nuna Barcelona.


Likewise, the trademarks, trade names or distinctive signs of any kind that appear on the Website (the "Trademarks") are the exclusive property of Nuna Barcelona. Users may not use the Trademarks without the express prior authorisation of Nuna Barcelona.


Any citation or reference to intellectual and industrial property rights of third parties implies the acknowledgement of Nuna Barcelona in favour of their owners.


Possible actions by Nuna Barcelona in the event of breach of the contractual relationship by the User


Although Nuna Barcelona has no obligation to supervise the actions of users on the Website, in the event of breach by users of the Contractual Relationship, of the law or of the infringement of the rights of third parties, including intellectual and industrial property rights, image rights and data protection rights, Nuna Barcelona may: withdraw, cancel and/or report to the competent authorities any actions of users; deny the user access to and use of the Website. In such a case, Nuna Barcelona will notify the user of the denial of access or use; adopt, at its sole discretion and discretion, the measures it deems appropriate for the best operation of the Website and Nuna Barcelona, including restrictions on access to or use of the Website and, in cases of maximum seriousness, restrict access to the Nuna Barcelona sports centre; and claim the corresponding amounts from the user for damages caused as a result of the above breaches.


Privacy policy and cookies policy 

The personal data of users will be processed by Nuna Barcelona in its capacity as data controller in accordance with its Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy.


Applicable law and jurisdiction 

The Legal Conditions shall be governed by Spanish common law, excluding any conflict of law rules. Users and Nuna Barcelona submit themselves, renouncing any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Barcelona, Spain in relation to any dispute regarding the validity, effectiveness, compliance, interpretation, execution or any other matter relating to the Contractual Relationship.


In the event that the users are consumers, the courts of their domicile shall have jurisdiction in application of the regulations in force.


In the event of discrepancies between the versions of the Legal Conditions in the different languages in which these documents are available, the Spanish version shall prevail, whenever legally possible. Likewise, the declaration of nullity or invalidity of any clause shall not affect the validity and effectiveness of the other clauses, which shall be interpreted and applied in the closest lawful sense to that which would derive from the application of the null clause.


Last revision: July 2023


© Barcelona, NUNA EVENTS BCN S.L 2023. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited. All rights reserved